
Ambient Education

It has of if thinking that it is impossible to preserve the nature by means of the advance of a technology and the globalization, factors these that support the consumption desaserbado which the society is stimulated, either for the advance of industrialization, the influence of the communication vehicles or for the necessity of subsistence of the man, therefore since the primrdios of the humanity this lives conditional in the search to supply its necessities. Today this necessity if intensifies in a scientific and technological dimension aiming at to minimize the limits of time and space, being thus fomented a process of constant substitution of the natural one for the artificial one, and consequently the desestruturao of the environment and the human organism, what sobrecai in brusque changes organic, climatic, endemic and epidemic, had the consumption of transgnicos, the accumulation of debris in the ground provoking the seismic abalos, amongst many factors that delay or speed up the natural evolution. Here it is the necessity of the participation citizen so that the public politics amongst them the ambientalista that is created ‘ ‘ for todos’ ‘ , commitment awareness of and social and ambient responsibility are developed by all by means of a globalizada, in the perspective of control and maintenance of the nature as a pledge of a healthful life. The perpetuation of the species depends on the commitment of each one of us with the planet, therefore the nature is a patrimony of the humanity, that if finds threatened, and us as pensantes beings we are its proper demolishers, a time that historically we have one strong influence in molding our space in accordance with our interests, however, such interests are restricted only in the capacity to explore, to consume.