
Wall Street Journal

With the Role-playing it is obtained, besides investigating in the field of the roll, educating, to teach and to heal or to cure by means of the rolls. Who has not undergone anxiety, reactions of stress or fear when having to face a situation. In addition, I think that this learning is superior to which the same life can give, since interpretation of rolls (roll of head, roll of leader, roll of employee, etc.) can be used like method for the unknown world exploration and to extend the scope of own I. It puts the accent in the productive, spontaneous and creative aspect of the learning. Thus to say that the bases of the Psicodrama are the Creativity, Spontaneity and the Action, and in the principle was the action the Faustus (Goethe).

Or in 1957 Colored person it said of the Pedagogical Psicodrama that vision of the points of view of other people, when acting the paper of others, or is in scene or the real life (Brown, Wall Street Journal, NY 1957) capacity of an individual to represent diverse papers, like the one of industralist or the one of worker (Brown, Psycotherapy of Group and Psicodrama. 1966). its purpose is to provide to the actor unay by means of the interpretation of papers studies the Psicodrama I am applied and it is continued applying in many scopes of the life, from the therapeutic one, to the field of the health, the social thing, in education, the formation and until in the company. In this last one it has been used like helping in processes of selection of personnel through role-playing, or to improve the relation between the work party or the set of the workers of a company, by means of the techniques of the Sociometra, and that this way is able to improve the work atmosphere, being done to emerge the latent conflicting situations in the group and power thus to give one solucinnueva and effective.