
Fridrich Progress

Lowy thus, speaks inside of the insufficience of the reforms of this system and also it points with respect to the necessity of other technologies, other forms of relation with the nature, that also take in account the ecological question and the social matters. Thus, when we try to answer to the initial problematizao of this text, on that ways to tread in the current context, we have the notes of this author as some of the existing possibilities, where it also brings the necessity to rethink the way of current consumption and production (p.52), aiming at a new society, that if bases on the real necessities human beings and not, in the necessities of the market, as she is made currently. 3- Consideraes final If, in 1876, Engels in them described some transformations that the monkeys antropomorphuses had been suffering, in accordance with the work and the consequent development of its perceptions, its agencies, its brain Lowy in the sample that this evolution is continuous and needs, contemporarily, to gain other dimensions Of any form, we must have clarity of that the most affected for the inaqualities pointed throughout the text it is that they must be mobilized. They will not be the dominant ones, to that they are in a favored position, independently of the situation of excessively, that they will go to search the change. It is necessary, therefore, that men and current women, affected for the favorable social condition which lives, can understand, collectively, that inside of this system, based on the exploration and in wastefulness, as well as in the unjust distribution of good and resources, the fight must be ample and the popular participation is indispensable in this process. Therefore if the progress is important and the evolution is also survival condition human being, must questioning in them on that progress is if saying e, consequentemente, that evolution.

It is the evolution and the progress of ones on the others? It is the economic growth of the elite who relegates for the majority the condition of poverty and extreme poverty? Then, it does not interest in them! We understand that the progress and the evolution alone make sensible if to benefit to all the human beings, making possible them to live of worthy form, not in form of ‘ ‘ coisas’ ‘ , mere ‘ ‘ mercadorias’ ‘. From we will only be able there to construct to a form more joust and human being of if living in this planet.