
Project Management Software

Customers have voted on the further development of PM tools / features to capacity planning and multi resource allocation in favour of the user front customers on the development of PM tools voted Munich extends features to capacity planning and resource allocation for multimedia in the favor of the user front featured of the bubble charts becomes essential, 08th August 2011. The customers of the solution provider can do have chosen the features to be integrated in the next versions of project management software. In the vote was the extension of the capacity window”around 20% of the points. More information is housed here: UISOL. The capacity window of fully graphical user interface helps the project manager of resource planning by it graphically represents the utilization of each employee and already displays possible overloads in advance. Appear in version 4.2 can do project intelligence, which will be published at the end of September, in the capacity window not only the utilization of individual resources, but the load all departments and the related staff.

Moreover, the clarity and handling of the capacity window will be completely revised. Customer voting about it, what features are developed 16% of the points given by the users to multiple resource assignment went to the usability feature”: in future multiple resources to can be assigned at the same time one or more project objects. Ranked three of the vote (over 10%) the function package-split came”, through which a package can – be split into two objects already provided feedback and completed activities are included. Rank four (9%) in the customer’s favor, a feature to the widened representation of the project risks, rank five finished (about 8%) a feature about the extension of the comprehensive report functionality. The customers can do could determine in a vote on the next development steps of project management software.