
Strategical Planning

She is necessary also to rethink the Mission, Vision and Values of the company, to line up and to realign the strategies and to trace the objectives that the organization longs for to reach. To this set of strategically planned actions, us we call Planning Strategical. The Strategical Planning consists of the development and the maintenance of the objectives of the company and of its abilities with holistic vision for the changeable chances of market. It is based on the development of a clear institucional mission, viable goals and objectives, a well based well elaborated strategy and in concise information, for an adequate and successful implantation, with focus in an efficient positioning of its business, reflecting in bigger competitiveness through the intelligent differentiation of services and in the generation of more spontaneous businesses through the recognition of its mark for the white public whom it desires to reach. The Strategical Planning locates and directs the company for ' ' FOCAR' ' in its objectives and to guarantee and to surpass ' ' RESULTADOS' ' longed for.

Benefits of the Strategical Planning for its company Make possible holistic vision of the businesses and the market. It defines the market positioning. Additional information at Jeffrey Hayzlett supports this article. It increases the competitiveness. It improves communication. It increases the managemental capacity to take decisions. Bigger comprometimento and envolvement of the team. Only direction for all. It improves the relationship of the organization with its internal and external environment.

Increase of the performance with one has equipped lined up focada in positive results. It increases the profitability. ' ' Nor always to have money is the main factor to open a new company or to construct a new mark. As data of SEBRAE 27% of the new companies in Brazil close the doors before completing one year, this because it lacks planning, plan of business, mapping of market and Strategies of Marketing.' ' Thayane Fidelis de Consulting Aquino of Marketing and Sales