
More Necessary Form

Many people, who use the Internet, have difficulty to translate texts, a time that the English language is present in the majority of the pages. To sail for site, to lower archives and texts in other languages, much people do not risk themselves to make. Some tools exist stop assisting in them in the task to translate texts, the majority do not function very well, however always it exists better. A good one is a called software Babylon. The Babylon knows.

It is accurately the program for more used translation today, a fast software, and very it has led, that only one click is enough and the translation is made. The USA seventy and five languages, dictionaries and encyclopedias as Michaelis, Aurlio, Oxoford and does not possess a data base gingante of words and expressions, about 3 million, including slangs. Finding expressions, that software does not know, you have the option to add it library to it. The program makes the translation of the Hebrew, the Chinese one English language for simplified, Chinese traditional, Japanese, dutch, Italian, Frenchman, German, Spaniard and Portuguese. He understands the functioning of the Babylon. When it installs software in the PC, click in any word of the screen and the translation will appear. Software perfectly functions with any another applicatory one of windows. Any word that appears in the screen is alone to clicar with mouse to get the translation.

Accepted Formats TEXT, WORD, pdf and others. Some functions of the Babylon. The program translates pages of sites opened in browser and still it translates also archives in the PDF.Use format the writing assistant to write in English, this tool can help very for this end. Making use of the option crossed translation, all time that to pass a word for the English software will show other similar words including its translations and you choose best. Software still brings other functions as the converter of units as measured, time and currency. Installing the Babylon. It is alone to lower the Babylon, it gives two click in archive EXE and later it is alone to follow the instructions in the screen. I recommend that, when installing, I will choose the personalized option and I take away mark the option that installs a bar of tool in the navigator.


The Spirit

Second it is the life with the men, where the relation takes language form, or world the affectivity, also EROS call. Finally the life with the spirit, where the relation, even so without language, generates language, or the world of the validity, or LOGOS. When the perfect meeting if carries through, these three spheres if they congregate in an only vestibule, that is of the LIFE, of the WORD. It writes Buber: – ' ' When a man closely is joined its woman, is both involved ones for the blow of eternidade' '. He still says: – ' ' When a man loves a woman in such way that it becomes it gift in its life, the light of the look of it allows to glimpse a flash it of the light divina.' ' The sexuallidade human being, in the truth, is not only biological, but it must consider theological and Metaphysical dimensions. Thus being he can yourself be initiated boarding of this subject from a double constatao: the 1) sexuality human being is the expression flesh time of a reality spiritual; 2) the sexuality human being is the expression flesh time of the personal love. This is the great difference between the animal, originary sexuality of the instinct, for who the sex is only one union fugaz, motivated I appeal for it biological, and the sexuality of the man, for who it is the corporificao of the love, or a sensible signal of a reality affective-spiritual. If the love if defines as the reciprocal attraction of a man for a woman, or vice versa, or even though between partners of the same sex, it is rigorously personal and it will be necessarily as much flesh time how much spiritual. In such a way, its love will discharge inevitably in the land of the sexuality, where the partners will meet not necessarily to procreate, but if they land on water.


Continental United

American Airlines as well as major airlines have begun to get their balance sheets in order, they are preparing for the impact of the rise of the oil prices. We are facing another crisis of fuel, and the crisis is not too strong word, said the CEO of American Airlines, Gerard Arpey, speaking at a Conference of journalists from business in Dallas. It is impossible to keep the rates of cheap flights. Last year, the airlines had its best year in a decade, the size of a slim margin of 2% profit. But oil prices have risen more than 20 per cent in 2011, and it will increase the costs of aviation fuel, which demand a large part of the air operation costs. As violence in the Middle East and North Africa revives fears that political turmoil extends to other oil producing countries, oil prices continue to increase.

And that is adding pressure on the upside to the price of fuel. On Friday, prices crude oil settled at a new high of 2-1/2-year high of 112,79 dollars barrel. Arpey said he is also concerned about high energy prices, will stop the economic recovery and the traffic will decrease as the Americans withdraw from total spending, including travel budgets. We are all very concerned by what is happening in the oil market, said Arpey. If the dimming economic recovery, it will not be good for traffic. Concerns come less than less than three years after the economy suffered its last crisis of fuels. 0: 00 / 3: 16 United CEO: airline should fear in the summer of 2008, crude oil prices to nearly $150 barrel. As prices continue to creep higher, investors are becoming nervous about the State of affairs of the airlines.

The actions of the American array AMR (AMR, Fortune 500) has lost more than 5 % on Friday. Other airlines also under pressure. Delta (DAL, Fortune 500) shares fell 4%, JetBlue (JBLU) s shares plunged 5 percent and shares of Continental United (UAL) fell almost 7 per cent.


The President

Very important that points out the Publisher of the editorial of Emilio Figueredo, that if in Venezuela not the decision call harmony, dialogue, tolerance, is will be sowing winds that will very soon become storms that will make that our country becomes unliveable by unstoppable global insecurity and violence without contention. Here all we be – in greater or lesser extent, victims of this situation. It is not that does not affect some, we are all potential victims. It is time to open avenues for dialogue and reconciliation. Venezuela has no future as a divided nation; only those who understand that the country needs a consultation will be the qualified to govern in the future. The others that promote polarization, exclusion and intolerance disappear from history leaving a trail similar to that left Monteverde and Boves. In conclusion the Government authorities should identify more with his role, communities require their protection rights that impunity will not be imposed and that each who does what she wants, all otherwise must be re-established the order, because we cuanquiera us this subject to that at any moment be victim of the underworld, from anyone who wants to do us harm, knowing unpunished crimes in the country, considered that: the legitimization of violence can reach to justify violation of human rights, killings and coups d ‘ etat that would say a tourist, especially European with respect to this situation, where already there have been cases case of assaults, kidnappings. The Government must take more seriously this problem that has seriously affected tourism in the country, in addition to the fear, insecurity, so the Venezuelan faces life facts where there is no guarantee of this, since is this mercy of underworld and often the reality that law enforcement agencies do not adequately met its role. The President faced the prospect of wanting to do the transformations necessary to continue with its revolutionary processes Bolivarian cannot allow that this will continue because that leaves much that say their warranties to the Venezuelan who wants to live in dignity, in peace and with the protection of a State in all its fields. original author and source of the article.


Sousa Saints

But we also saw that the unexpected one becomes possible and if it carries through; we saw frequently that the improbable one if carries through what the probable one more than; let us know, then, to wait the unexpected one and to work for the improbable one. This must be the great tonic of the professor to work and to wait, to wait and to work desiring that the improbable one becomes reality, that each pupil its can be a concientizao disseminator, transforming agent of the society. In this universe, the search for the identity is inevitable. Sousa Saints (2003, P. 136) opportunely remembers in them that: The concern with the identity is not, obviously, new. We can say until modernity is born of it and with it. The first modern name of the identity is the subjectivity. The collapse of the medieval theocratic cosmoviso brought obtains the question of the authorship of the world and the individual constituted the first reply.

The renascentista humanismo is the first paradigmtica aflorao of the individuality as subjectivity. But what it is identity? identity looks for to demarcate border, making distinction between what it is inside and what is outside and under this perspective the university professor needs to understand concepts as identity and difference, promoting reflections on which ideologies are for backwards of the identity and difference in question. According to Tadeu Silva (2000,81): The identity as the difference, is a social relation, them simply is not defined, them is imposed. They do not coexist harmoniously, side by side, in a field without hierarchies, them is disputed. It is not treated, however, only of the fact of that the definition of the identity and the difference is object of dispute between social groups 6 asymmetrically situated ones relatively to the power. In the dispute for the identity ampler dispute for other symbolic and material resources of the society is involved.


Biological Sciences

The ambient education must have how goal the development of abilities necessary human beings for the resolution of problems and use of adjusted strategies, in which the society can acquire knowledge that come to contribute in the process of improvement of the relation man? nature, leading in account the personal experiences and the activities developed in that locality. Therefore, in regards to the ambient Education, it fits to all to contribute for the process of transformation of the current society in a sustainable society, centered in the responsible exercise of the citizenship, that considers the nature as a common good, has taken in account the capacity of regeneration of the material resources, promotes the distribution equitable of the generated wealth and favors worthy conditions of life for the current and future generations (Sader, 1992). The society alone will be acting of sustainable form when to exist the conscience of that our social relations and our styles of life present direct impact on the environment. Therefore we must have conscience and solidarity stop with our descendants. The enough knowledge how much to the support idea it is the starting point to obtain to find the answers that the problems impose in them. .


Philosophy Today

This question was not taken off of workmanship some of Martin Heidegger and its famous and intriguing and extremely pertinent books, but it is a practical question for, or the best one, for the relevance of the philosophy in days and lives as ours. We have a world where two words gain force extreme and an one disreputation and dangerous anonymity. Let us start for the positive side: nowadays to be to interdisciplinar and cooperative enters disciplines turned standard. We see each time more groups organized around called subjects umbrella as ' ' Democracia' ' we see scientists social politicians, scientists, anthropologists, historians and same philosophers politicians who confluem for democracy versions that arrive until the being a course of after-graduation in appraised Universities of the Europe as of Salamanca and Coimbra. Much is had to say on ' ' Homem' ' , on ' ' Democracia' ' , and on Neuropsicolgicos studies of the man beyond the Universe, however our old philosophy has each time less to say of what effect phrases and some comments questionable and reduced the dangerous macro-narratives when the subject is sciences human beings. In a practical example of the Arab question that took account of the reporters in the year that if passed and continues being notice in this beginning of 2012 did not see many philosophical opinions exactly because many of the questions treated for more repaginadas than are leave the col of the philosophy and are subjects well more social, politicians, economic and religious. He does not have much to say of what invoking theories or concepts that do not explain genocides and crimes against humanity and mandate of human rights or origin of the evil it enters the men who fatally explain little or almost nothing concerning rebellions and attacks planned in countries as Iraq, and the hunger and lack of organization in others.


Finances Administration

The protested headings, that of January the April of 2009 had had a 1,9% representation, below of gotten 2.3% in the same accumulated close ranking of the previous year. The average value of the debts with credit cards and financiers fell 13.5% for R$ 374.91 in the four first months of 2009, before the same period of 2008. How much to the debts with the banks, the average value gotten of January the April of this year it was of R$ 1,333, 15, with a jib of 2,4% in the same comparison. The protested headings, in turn, had registered an average value of R$ 1,042, 81 in the four first months of 2009, thus representing an increase of 14% on the same accumulated of the previous year. The checks returned for lack of funds, of January the April of 2009 had registered an average value of R$ 844,69, resulting in 32,6% of growth, if compared with equal period of 2008.Como demand for credit in the Country is the demand for crditoA increased in April and is next to the levels daily pay-crisis, while the taxes of interests had fallen for the third consecutive month, shows to surveys carried through for the Serasa Experian and the National Association of Executives of Finances Administration and Accounting (Anefac).The pointer of the Serasa sample that the search for resources went up 10.8% in April before March in the Country, in the second followed monthly magnifying. According to Serasa, has an evolution route to the recovery of the level of demand of the consumers who it was in vigor before the worsening of world-wide the economic crisis. Already the average tax of interests for the natural person fell 0,06 porcentual point, for 7,33% to the month in April, reaching the lesser platform since May of 2008. For the companies, the fall in the interests was the same one, taking the average tax 4.21% to the month.


Invoicing Business

Do you get full advantage of technology? Technology, increasingly, provides us with different oportware, the benefits that you can bring, some obligations and requirements and above all how used electronic invoicing. In addition, also there are interactive videos that will help you learn more about this software for billing electronically, and in addition the video brings some special recommendations that will help you to retunidades, benefits and options that are able to provide us with personally and in terms of work life. One of the benefits and advantages of the technology for all those people who have any kind of business, is the electronic billing. We invite you to know this new concept and you innoves your business, having your own software to make your electronic invoicing. You can buy it for very low prices that come with VAT included. There are many websites where you will find more information about how to purchase this sofsolver in the fastest and easiest way the requirements of all the legal must related to electronic invoicing. And take advantage of the opportunities and benefits of technology and electronic invoicing have for you and your business, because you’ll see that you save much time, money and effort that you can use in other things that will make you grow your business and you will have much more free time.



Talking with me in Arab they had perceived that I foreign age and even so have perceived that they to leave to leave did not want me made not to understand. I gave one of ignorant foreigner I entered in the car I pulled out and I capsized the esquina in the end of the street and caught the main avenue. After walking some blocks in this avenue, size was my scare when I came across with tanks of war hindering the ticket. Vocs can imagine which would have been the reaction of a Brazilian, is not accustomed to see tanks of wars in the streets, still more has 25 years behind. It occurred me that the Arab people had not had a pacific description as Brazilian we. It was inevitable to think that a war had blown up, and my legs had trembled.

To be in lands that are not its native land in conflict situation is not nothing comfortable and it caused me much unreliability. The soldiers of the tanks had asked for to me to stop the car and had made innumerable questions; for where he was going, what he made in Egypt, which my nationality? They had asked for mine documents, international wallet of driver, and the passport. After changing to some words between them in relation my answers after to some they had at last liberated me time with the exception that to direct would have me for my residence, collected that me. They imagine my state when I arrived at the house of my friend, it trembled equal green pole. Not wise person accurately the dimension of the gravity of what she was happening. The information were few, notice censured for the government. After placing my Brazilian friend along with the events, it caught clothes for it and the husband, and meetings we were for my house.